Sunday, December 25, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Random thoughts of mine that I feel like sharing
1) The Seniors this year must be sentimental. Not senior citizens, but high school seniors. At least at my school. Now, I understand that for many guys on the football team, it will be their last year. *weep a little* but I didn’t need to weep THAT much. I’m sure most of them will live on to do bigger and brighter things, maybe not in football or maybe not at all. But geez, in time, they will look back and smile and say, “Those were the days,” or something to that effect. I’m happy for them, I really am, but seriously? They played this song, not only at a pep rally where the WHOLE song was played where all the football players swayed together in the middle with the cheerleaders, but in a powerpoint of a playback of football highlights.
I approve of the powerpoint, because it does fit the situation. Well done. But the pep rally? Seriously? It made for the most unpeppy pep rally I have EVER been to.
2) Its amazing how, when you are really lonely and have absolutely nothing to do, you clean. I was going through Facebook, when I first moved over to London and half the posts read, “Cleaning the (name of room)" and the other half read, “So bored.”
So I had a real good time when I first got over there. It doesn’t matter though, it works out in the end
3) How utterly confusing friendships can be. (I’m using the word utterly a lot lately) On one hand, I have this friend who has an eating disorder now, and no its not Alice, she thankfully is healthy once more . She started treating my other friends kinda badly, but then again it could be because of the disorder. After I heard the whole story, which is really long by the way so I won’t be repeating it. But basically, my friends tried to get help, but the teachers took my friend with the disorder’s side and didn’t really get anything out of it. So, I got a third person’s perspective who lives over in London as well, and he said that she didn’t look anorexic. So I officially have no idea. But it’s not like I can really do anything to fix it.
Then my ex-bff, Kristi, contacted me on Facebook, which is extremely weird, since I haven’t spoken to her since before the summer. So what happened there is she didn’t treat me very well, even though we were best friends. It was one of those rollercoaster friendships, but it was always where we were still friends. But then I moved, I didn’t talk to her very much and to be honest, I didn’t miss her. Now that says something. So when I came back, I had a different view point, blah, blah, blah. Anyways, I severed ties with her.
Annnnnnd she’s back. I replied to the first one, because all it asked was, “what she is up to and what happened to her”. So I replied, nothing extravagant. Then she replied back, “we should get together and catch up.” And I have absolutely no idea how to respond. I have to do it really soon, otherwise she’ll know something’s up and it’s rather rude to just ignore her. So I better come up with something soon.
4) Last year, our choir had a Disney themed pop show and I really wanted to have the girls perform “I’ll make a man out of you” from Mulan, because it’s just that awesome. Then have one guy sing the Mulan part, “Hope he doesn’t see right through me”. I thought it would have been awesome, but that didn’t happen. *sigh*
5) I can’t think of anymore at the present moment, but if I think of more, you will be the first to know
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Today has been, well interesting, to say the least.
I wake up, funnily, on time and get outside my house to see the bus pull up. Obviously, I ran for it, but I didn’t need to, because the bus stayed there for about 5 minutes later. Then, we got stuck in traffic, because some guy’s car flipped. He’s okay… I think. Anyway, people were sleeping on the bus, this one guy was even snoring. Not like the annoying, obnoxious snoring that kids fake when they're pretend sleeping, but the there’s-all-this-crap-in-my-nose-I-can’t-breathe snoring. At one point, it got so loud, he woke himself up. I couldn’t help but giggle a little. We were late to school.
Then after filing my 1A teacher’s papers and evaluating a concert in 1B, I went to homeroom to get my PSAT scores, which to be quite frank, I am not too happy about and will not be sharing. Then we had a lockdown drill, I know I’ve explained these before, but you’ve either forgotten or you just don’t know. Well, let’s say Lord Voldemort comes into the school. Instead of having an all out war, like in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, we lock our doors, turn out the lights, remain quiet and sit at the back where supposedly no one can see us. So really, we’re all just cowards and want to be like Harry Potter, but none of us have magical powers, which might be a problem…. Then, because we played our part so well, we got lollipops.
Then I went to math where I took a quiz then bolted from, leaving my stuff behind (my teacher told me to) to go to a meeting? convention? for UT. Well, it lasted through the first 5 minutes of third period. So I ran all the way to the third floor to pick up my stuff, go down a level to AP US History, then take a quiz in 5 minutes. I was out of breath.
Skip over lunch and the rest of History and we find ourselves in Chemistry. The teacher is talking about Gas Laws, going over the same thing she went over yesterday. Your phone is just right there, calling you, calling for you. Cutting to the chase, I was on Facebook chat talking to Alaima.
Alaima: I have something to tell you, It will SHOCK you. Can you skype?
Me: I’m kinda in the middle of Chemistry
Alaima: When can you skype?
Me: At about midnight your time, maybe 12:15 your time? Is that okay?
Alaima: Yeah, I should be up. Don’t forget!
Drivers ED starts, the simulators were AWFUL as always and since I’m so behind I was going to start driving today. So we get out to the cars, I’m searching through my bag for my wallet which has my permit. I can’t find it. I start to look in every pocket. NOTHING. Scrambling through my bag, whilst cussing, the instructor is starting to get people into the car. I gave up the search. So I sat there in the car for 2 hours, doing NOTHING. Well, I did listen.
So I get home, I search through my backpack. BAM. My wallet is there. You have no idea how frustrated and mad I became. Then I took a couple minutes, calmed myself down then looked to skype.
Alaima’s Facebook Wall:
Amber WHERE ARE YOU????????
an hour later
Amber I’m guessing you fell asleep.
So for now I have absolutely no clue what the SHOCKING thing was and I REALLY want to know.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Forgiveness is more than saying sorry forgiveness yeah I Lecho Belinelli and stuff
I have no idea who Lietch bit million Agnas Siri set up
Hello world love… To the couple
and that is it.
Blog when something more interesting arrives
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Thankful for Thanksgiving Break
That is what I am most thankful for (outside my family and friends, of course).
I really don’t have a good story to tell you, just thought I’d update my blog to let people know that I’m still here. I mean last, last weekend I volunteered at a BAFTX Gala which raises money for scholarships for underprivileged kids, and I met some of them and they were really nice. (And might I say, a lot nicer than the three freshmen in high school that weren’t with the program were) But it was really fun.
Then this last weekend I went to the UT game and it was so much fun, but it was so disappointing. I really got into it, especially at the end, but it would have been nicer if we won.
And then here I am, on a Tuesday, packing for Branson, and watching movies and writing this.
Here’s a movie quote from the movie I watched last night and this morning:
Anyone who wants to be a can't-hack-it pantywaist who wears their mama's bra, raise your hand.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
So when I read my textbook and take notes for AP US History, I listen to film scores, Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, Titanic or really whatever Pandora plays, because listening to words while reading just messes up my brain and I can’t accomplish anything.
I had my music on, and the Titanic film score was playing (still is, actually, it’s a really long one). It got kind of quiet, like film scores do after something really loud. Then you hear Alexa stop, “Is it me, or did I just hear Titanic music?” She shook it off and kept walking.
I’m so proud, she knows the film scores from Titanic, but am I going to tell her that I’m playing Titanic music upstairs? No way, what’s the fun in that?
Monday, November 7, 2011
So there is a bee in the house and it has been hanging out in the game room (funnily enough where I am now). Alexa is not real fond of bees and you can tell that by when she sees one she squeals and runs around in circles, almost literally.
So she walks into the game room, hears the buzzing and sees it flying around, “What’s that bug?”
“I dunno,” I say, not even looking up from my notebook, “Have you taken a shower yet?”
“Well?” Then she left.
A few minutes later, she comes back in, “You need to help me get the soap.”
“The bee, it scares me!”
“Oh come on, its not even in the bathroom, you can get it yourself!”
“No, you need to help me!” At this moment in time, the bee comes out of it’s hiding place in the game room and flies around in the center of the room, then heading towards the window.
When Alexa sees this, she runs towards the window as well unintentionally, the bee turns around and heads for the door as does Alexa. And so Alexa chased the bee out of the room, squealing all the way and the bee looked like it was flying for dear life. The bee swerved into the bathroom and Alexa went onto the stairs. I’m not sure which one was more scared of the other.
A few moments of Alexa’s radio that had been switched to Russian was heard before you heard another squeal and jump from Alexa, because the bee came at her this time.
Its going to be some task to get her to take her shower now, which is why I will leave that up to the parents, as it should be anyways.
In other news, this morning I created a Jerry Lewis radio on Pandora, you know to lighten my day, listen to “Bongo-bingo” or “Enchilada”. Instead I got an “explicit warning” against the material of the radio.
Yes, Pandora I need an explicit warning against this, I should be more careful in the future.
And no, it wasn’t Jerry Lee Lewis or anything like that.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Well, this squirrel has been doing this to me for the past five minutes and I feel like the dog from Up going, "Squirrel... Squirrel..."
Friday, November 4, 2011
Today I get to my desk and see a calculator there already, so I place the calculator on the desk next to mine as usual. The girl who sits next to me walks in and says, "I love the kid who leaves the calculator on my desk everyday..." and continues to talk about it a little longer.
At least I made someone's day with my laziness.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
So I was reading my past posts and I read the one about Alice, and I’d realized I’d never given you guys an update.
After she’d been in Lebanon for a while, she began to get back in contact with us and towards the end of summer, she even put up a picture. She looked better in her picture and according to Alaima, she’s SO much better, which is really good .
Just thought I’d let you know
Friday, September 30, 2011
So freaking busy.
There are not enough hours in the day. I seriously need two me’s to do everything I need to do this weekend. Not only am I packing, moving, unpacking and moving, I have rehearsals tomorrow from 9 to 5, which obviously I can’t make all of. I have homework, studying and cleaning and it really doesn’t sound that bad when I put it in words on a computer. But it feels really bad, and I know some of you might be saying, “Well, I have way more stuff to do than she does. Why is she complaining? Why does she feel so stressed out about this stuff? She doesn’t know the meaning of stress!”
Trust me, I do. It’s just everything is happening at all one time and when things overlap, that are equally important, it starts to make you stressed, but you know there is no way, you can make both, Then you start to feel guilty about the one you’re missing, but you know if you’d gone there, you’d feel the exact same way about what you’re doing then. It’s just a bad cycle. So that’s why I’m trying to do a bit of both. It should be fun.
Anyway, I really should be sleeping, but I’m not. But I will be, soon in fact. But I want to finish this first. Okay, I KNOW I had more to say. Well, if I think about it, I’ll write it down and get back to you.
Now I’m finished.
Have a good weekend!
Box Hill + 3 She Hulks = Adventure
So we went to Box Hill today, it’s a REALLY big hill, if you didn’t get that already. Anyway, Gemma got Alaima and I on a bus and pronounced, “I’ve a confession, I have absolutely no idea if we’re going the right way (for this was her idea, to go to Box Hill).” We finally arrived and we saw this clearing:
We walked along this path and saw this older couple and Gemma asked them where we were and they asked where we were off to and Gemma replied saying, “Box hill.”
The lady said, “Oh, you’re going the hard way, there’s about, oh, 300 steps up and then once there, there will be this nice, gentle way down.”
So we headed off, crossed a bridge:
Then we walked the, oh, about 300 steps. I had never felt so out of shape, I had to stop a couple times and rest before going on.
I have never hated stairs so much, I’ll have so much fun in Monument with 316 continuous steps. So the view was really amazing, here’s a picture:
So then we headed back the "nice, gentle” way down the hill….
So, we didn’t exactly follow the path, we kind of made our own! We went down the hill, swinging from trees, slipping and more often than not, on our butts sliding on the ground from tree to tree. We figured out this was the best way when Alaima “ thought” of the idea when she slipped and fell on her butt. So we went with it! At one point, Gemma went sliding for one tree, well she missed that tree and ran into another one. Then Alaima followed suit and did the same. And me, as well. At another time, I tried sliding, but lost my balance and ended up sliding over rocks and branches and pulling my shoulder trying to hold onto the tree with no success. I didn’t slide too far, I stopped in the middle. Gemma called out, “Are you okay?”
I replied, “I don’t know, one minute, let me find out.” I’m fine.
So going through brush and bushes and over dirt and roots and under branches and trees, we ended up at the river at the bottom of the hill. So we asked ourselves, “If there were murderers following us, what would we do?”
I replied, “Well, going back wouldn’t be an option.” So we plodded along to the river, of course there was more videos that didn’t want to upload so unless you come over to my house or I randomly upload them one day, you won’t see them unfortunately.
So, in reality this is wayyyyy far away from when I wrote this, more like a month and a week. So I’ll finish this story then post another blog because this would would just look way too long if I put the two together.
To get back to the story, we were at the river. Now, Alaima can’t swim, so our first instinct is to find out how deep the river is, sorry stream. So Gemma takes off her shoes and socks and wades into the stream. It was waist deep. So I take the shoes and some bags and carry them across the stream, while Alaima piggybacks on Gemma. After we cross the river, we’re soaking wet. Then we had to ride all of the way home on two cold buses. But it was totally worth it .
The next day we set out with our friend, Tasio (who is half Spanish, half American) to go ice skating, taking more than our fair share of trains (if that even made sense) we get to the ice skating rink to find that the rate is way too expensive, so we decided to go swimming instead, but that never panned out and so we stayed at Alaima’s and watched movies.
The day after that we went into London again, we made our way to Monument (which is a monument dedicated for the Great Fire of 1666 and if it fell over a certain direction it would land on the spot where the fire started) and we climbed the 300-something stairs to the top. And the stairs go in a circle. After a while they all kind of blended together and you were so scared that you were going to miss a step or something, at least I was like that. Then we made our way to Hyde Park where we found the Peter Pan statue and walked to Kensington. Then Alaima and I went to Kingston and ate at Byron's, it was so good. Then we walked along the River to Surbiton to see pass our old house again.
The next day we went into London to Shakespeare’s Globe to watch Dr. Faustus, which was really good, I mean the acting was amazing. It was a really great experience. We then got on trains and tubes to Hampstead Heath where we couldn’t stay for very long, which made me kind of sad, but it was really fun.
The last day I was there, we met more friends and had a picnic in Richmond Park where we climbed trees, saw deer, and ate and talked. It was really fun , I’m saying that a lot because its late and it really was really fun! Afterwards, Gemma, Alaima and I made our way BACK to Hampstead Heath, where we got to stay longer, which was really nice. We even joined a running group towards the end, which instead of kicking us off, encouraged us and when we broke away, random people encouraged us, it was really cool. Then we made our way back to the station to get a tube. By this time, its dark outside, so it wasn’t particularly full. So I sat by Gemma and Alaima sat across from us. This older black guy asks if he could sit next to Alaima and she says yes. He starts speaking to Gemma, now Gemma doesn’t judge somebody right away, she tries not to at least. I had a magazine I was “reading” so I didn’t say anything. He asked Gemma how old she was, Gemma said, “16.”
He replied, “You’re legal.” Except to me it sounded like, “Illegal,” but apparently not.
Then he reached for Gemma’s hand and he shook it and then Gemma tried to pull away and he kissed it. Now I knew from the beginning this was weird and not exactly right, so then he turned to Alaima asked the age question and she replies, “16.”
Then he turns to me and asks, “How old is she?” Now, pretending to be deeply involved in reading this very interesting article in the magazine, I didn’t say anything. “15? 16?” He threw his hat in the chair beside mine, “Must be 15.”
After a little bit, I leaned over to Gemma and behind her hair I whispered, “Can we get off at the next stop and get the next one?” She nodded as the guy gave her a piece of paper and an advertisement card to Alaima. The tube came to a halt and we got off.
We got behind this huge column and Gemma starts freaking out, waving her hand, saying, “OH MY GOD, EW, HE KISSED MY HAND!!!! EW EW EW EW EWW!!!” Which I didn’t blame her.
While Gemma repeatedly said “ew”, Alaima was like, “Gemma? Gemma? Gemma?” We turned around and there was the guy, behind us. We ran up the escalators as fast as we could, got through the machines, then I stopped.
“NO.” I stood still, Gemma and Alaima stopped, “No.” Gemma and Alaima were almost out of the station in a place we had never been before at night with a creep following us. Wasn’t this how murder investigation shows start?
“Right, get assistance,” Gemma finished. We made our way to the Assistance Guy, that’s literally what he was called. I told him our predicament and he decided to help us out. We stood with him for a while and then he took us down to where the tubes are and watched us get on. From then on, it was good, but it was one of the most creepiest things I have ever been through. Just writing about it gets my blood pumping and adrenaline running.
Since we had been getting to bed at around 4 in the morning every night, Alaima and Gemma decided to stay awake, I on the other hand, took a nap. I then got my stuff and we headed for the airport. It was sad to see them go, or me leaving, but I know I’ll see them again. I got on the airplane and decided to prop my head on my hand and arm, like the Thinker, and rest my eyes. I wasn’t even awake for the take off, or the safety message, well I take that back, I woke up for “Thank you for paying attention to this message”, I said in my head, “Your welcome” and fell back asleep. I landed and met Dad and Alexa at the airport. My journey to London had come to an end, for now.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
So my first day was, how do I put this... Interesting. So I get off the bus, 10 minutes before school starts, with no schedule. I think my brain couldn't read the alphabet or something, so I went to the wrong homeroom in the first place. They then sent me to room 223 where I should have been placed. I was not on the list, so they told me to go to the sophomore homeroom, I went to my old geometry class, where I met my old geometry teacher in 326. I was not on that list and so I made my way down to the Library.
In the library, they told me my homeroom was 226, so I made my way to room 226, well it was N-O and my last name is M. So I obviously wasnt on that list either. So I went back down to the library where I waited in a long line. Then when it was my turn, they out me on the side and told me there was a problem with me. Then this lady took me to the Grade Level Office, telling me on the way that I was "invisible" and the "mystery woman of the hour". I saw my counselor, she gave me my schedule then told me to go to room 226.
"I've already gone there, I'm not on the list, it's not my homeroom," I replied.
Then another lady took me outside to look at the list, "Your in 10th grade-"
"I'm not in 10th grade. I'm a junior. I know I'm a junior."
"It says here that your a sophomore."
"Well, I'm a junior." then we went back into the grade level office.
Turns out I'm still considered a sophomore and am in a sophomore homeroom.
So I'm a junior that's considered a sophomore that's taking senior English.
It's so confusing.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Made. My. Day.
Richard is again invited to travel and study in the summer of 2012, this time to Australia and New Zealand. She will join other high school students from the north H- area as a part of People to People, an educational exploration program founded by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. You know all the potential that lies within Richard and this is her unique opportunity to stand apart from peers.
Richard can experience 17 days of rewarding activities and meet the people of Australia and New Zealand, all while earning high school or university credit. -
If you didn't know by now - Richard is my dad. :)
Alexa has also stated that she will be keeping this letter and framing it.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Soooo I owe you another Ketchupp
So the next day we rode a bus to Epsom, where we went to a park and played on a playground. It was sooo much fun, then we went to this place, climbed a tree and then had a stick/sword fight then headed back. We met this guy that’s in our year at our school and that’s coming to the party tonight and got on the bus to go back to Alaima’s. Then we went to go watch Princess Bride in the park and afterwards we went to TGI Friday’s.
The next day, we went to the Beach, or Brighton, where it was so windy that the waves were humongous and it looked like the ocean was angry. The water was FREEEEEZING, even colder than Lake Michigan!!!!!!! Alaima realized that she dropped her phone in the sea, but we played in the ocean anyways. After this, we were so wet and it was cold so we attempted to dry ourselves with the wind with no success, but no worries, we dried off slowly. We ate lunch then headed to the pier where, I was the reigning champion on Guitar Hero. We went into a haunted house that was more laughable than scary, which was totally fine with me. Then we rode on a ride sort of like the one you see in the Sandlot, and then a baby ride… we rode the baby ride 3 times… Then we went to Alaima’s.
Monday, we woke up late, got Alaima a new phone, then headed to Central London. We got into Mayfair, I got a mango passionfruit drink that made my dayyyy, then walked down Bond Street, then walked to Picadilly Circus, walked to Green Park, saw Buckingham Palace, walked around St. James’s Park, walked to Westminster, got the tube to South Kensington, posed with a poster of Justin Bieber, got Phish Food, took it to Hyde Park where we ate the whole pint in, oh, 5 minutes at most. Then we climbed this awesome tree. We headed to Edgware Road where we had dinner then went back to Alaima’s.
Tuesday, we weren’t allowed to go anywhere but Kingston because of the stupid riots. So we watched a few movies and hung out for basically the whole day. Then at the end of the day we met Yousoff at Frangos and we stayed for a really long time. So then we walked Yousoff to the train station where there was these creepy guys (who I’m pretty sure were drunk) were staring. So we hugged Yousoff goodbye and the guy went in for a hug from Alaima. I was so proud of her, she stepped back, put her hand out and said, “Excuse me, no.”
The guy replied, “What I don’t get a kiss goodbye?”
Yousoff looked at the guy and said, “You want a kiss goodbye?”
“No! Not from you!” They got on the train and rode away. Then we hopped on a bus and went back to Alaima’s.
Today we ran some errands and hung out. Now we’re getting ready for the party. Cant wait!!!! So excited!!
Until next time,
Friday, August 5, 2011
Part 2 of the London Experience
We woke up at 9:15am and were out of the house by 11. We were all so tired, anyway, we went on the train to Waterloo, tube to Leicester Square, then another tube to Russell Square. The tube station had stairs or elevators and the elevators were PACKED. So we decided to go for the 175 steps to the surface. By the end, we were panting and wanting water so we went to Tesco’s to buy some water. We got our water and walked to the British Museum. It was BEAUTIFUL. Magnificent. Simply amazing. There was so much there, of course it IS the British Museum. Although I did not see the Rosetta Stone, I saw mummies and a LOAD of artifacts. The architecture was amazing, as well.
After this, we decided to get sandwiches and head to the park we found on the way to the British Museum. So we’re walking and walking and we found a Sainsbury where Gemma and I got sandwiches (Alaima’s fasting) and I bought chips. We walked back to the park and as we’re half way through the park, we realize something. This isn’t the same park.
So we kept walking and found the park and sat down to eat. We ate our food and our energy levels soared. Fed the pigeons. We walked back to the Underground, walked down the 175 steps and got a tube to Covent Garden. We arrived at Covent Garden and climbed the 195 steps to the surface. By the end of this, our legs were shaking. We looked at the street performers (I think my favorite was the silver guy who went into Boots to spray on his abs) and went to the apple store where we climbed more stairs.
Then I met Alaima and Gemma’s friend, Yousoff, and we walked around Covent Garden, going into some stores. We then decided to walk somewhere. I’m not sure where our original goal was to end up. Anyway.
So we’re walking past this huge, old building and it’s the Freemason Museum. Well, Yousoff and Alaima were very excited about this (they’re more conspiritists, or whatever you call them), so Gemma and I said, “sure”. We go in and they have cameras EVERYWHERE. Then we had to get a pass. We go upstairs and the whole place is silent. Yousoff and Alaima then saw a door and were like OMG. So Gemma and I were like, “OMG it’s a window!!!” Then we pass down this hallway and we can see the museum. This place was CREEPY. I did not get a good vibe from this place. It was like a horror movie and one of us was going to get killed any minute. I stuck with Gemma, so I’m not sure what was going through my brain, but I was like, “I’m gonna trip Gemma, so I stick my foot in front of Gemma’s” and I ended up falling on the ground. I couldn’t help it, I started to laugh and so did Gemma. The place was SILENT. I’m pretty sure, the looks we were getting, were not happy ones. So we look around, I wasn’t paying much attention to anything, just staying close to Gemma and Alaima. So Gemma agreed that this place was creepy, so we decided to get out of there. She tripped on the wall. Impossible? I thought so too, until today. So we started laughing at that. We ran out of that place as fast as we could. I wont ever go back to that place, even if someone were to bribe me all the money in the world. NO WAY.
So we decided to walk to Embankment, where the River Thames flowed. We sat there and just talked and sat some more. After we sat, we walked to Trafalgar Square, had a mini water fight with the water from the fountain then sat down on the steps. After a while, we crossed the bridge and watched some of the street performers. My favorite was the bubble guys that blew giant bubbles. We walked past the London Eye, then walked to this place with a bunch of graffiti that’s allowed to be there. Then we walked to Waterloo station, Gemma, Alaima and I got on a train, sat down, got to our stop then walked back to Alaima’s house.
I think my feet might fall off, they hurt so much. Now nobody’s talking, because everybody is so tired.
Not sure what we’re doing tomorrow, but I assure you I am wearing comfy shoes.
Until next time,
Thursday, August 4, 2011
1 word : London
Part 1
I landed in the airport and went to customs where I got intensely interrogated, received my luggage and met Alaima and Gemma where they ran to greet me and hug me. Alaima’s mother drove us to her house, where I’ll be staying for the next two weeks. We hung out, then we hopped on a bus and got off and walked to my old house.
As you can see, the weird brown tree died.
We then walked on the Queens Promenade to Kingston where we went to Starbucks to get water, then to Bentalls to try on funny, weird, ugly clothing. We then ventured to O2 to top up my phone, it was successful and we walked out of there and returned to Alaima’s.
We hung out at Alaima’s for quite a lot of time, talking, and talking.
Then we went to Frango’s for dinner and it was AMAZING. I realllllly liked it. Then we parted ways with Gemma and I stayed up with Alaima. I don’t think I’ve laughed so much in SO long. It was amazing.
Then I woke up this morning and then Gemma walked in and we talked. It was raining and we had planned to go to the park and watch a movie, so we hung out and then we went to the park. But we didn’t stay, we just walked around. So we decided to run our errands, Gemma went to the bank, I went back to the O2 store to say that it hasn’t done anything.
Well, lets just say I was not happy, they would not refund me my 15 pounds even though it was their fault really. Well I wont go into detail, because well I wont.
So then we went back to Alaima’s, got into our pjs, skyped with my family then we went to this field. We danced and took many pictures, then ate pizza . Its awesome. I feel like I never left, at first it felt like a dream, but seriously it feels like I never left. I love it here and being with my friends is amazing.
Till next time!!!!!! Love you all!!
Buhbye for now
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Falling In Love with English Boys part 4 or 5
Anyway, it freaked me out when it was saying that she was studying for her Ap English and world history tests - which is what mine were.
But, alas! here comes a difference between my life and the book!
The character goes back to visit London in the winter break, well obviously that didn't happen for me and I board the plane today! So super excited!
Wish me luck!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Ketchup 2
I owe you another ketchup.
After Dollywood, the next day to be exact, we went up this mountain and rode a slide down the mountain and rode ski lifts. Then went to Friday’s and went to an old time photo place and a souvenir place where Alexa decided she wanted a Hermit Crab.
Then went to Missouri, went jet skiing for a little bit.
Next day, Grandma, Uncle Tom, Aunt Jennifer, Aunt Jennifer’s mother and Rocky arrived and we went out on the boat and I learned to drive a jet ski.
The next day when we went out on the jet skis, that is all I did. So Aunt Donna and I were jet skiing to a place to meet the others in the boat, then all of a sudden there was this guy in a red jet ski. He was pretty cute, anyways he was looking at me, well I looked back, what else are you going to do? I wanted to check out this guy who was looking at me, I didn’t want it to be some 40 year old guy. So Aunt Donna stopped, so I stopped and she talked, well the guy stopped too. We then went to the spot we had been before and he rode around for a while. I rode on the jet ski the whole time and maybe an hour or two later, he came back and I rode around with him for a while, then he left and I was satisfied. No, I did not get his name, we were riding fast on jet skis. I’m not gonna see that guy ever again, so I’m alright.
We left at around 9pm to get back home and I stayed up basically all night and when I tried to sleep, I was going to share Alexa’s pillow when she took that away from me, then she stole my blanket and was trying to make me “schooch” where I couldn’t “schooch”. I was furious. I was tired. I was so overly tired I started crying about this. I slept for 3 hours. That was it.
So after this, I’ve basically been hanging out, watching Harry Potter 7 part 2 more than once, going to Fort Worth for the weekend to hang with my Aunt, Uncle and Cuzzins & Grandma. I also started voice lessons, which are awwwessoome, I love them sooooo much. And reading Jane Eyre. I was reluctant at first to read this book, because it was boring, but it got good, so I’m happy. But I’ve already decided that Frankenstein (yes, I will TRY to read it), but I’m pretty sure I’m just gonna read spark notes and watch the movie.
Good Ketchup session TTYL!!!
Movie Quote from the same movie before :)
Monday, July 25, 2011
Movie Quote
Person 2: Meet the greatest actor in the world! I'd rather kiss a tarantula.
Person 1: You don't mean that.
Person 2: I don't - - Hey Joe, get me a tarantula.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
No, not the condiment like I proposed above, but a catch up session.
I left off on the VERY FIRST DAY. So to be quite frank with you, I’m going to make the days short and to the point, no beating around the bush. Facts.
Went to the Ella Sharp Museum for the day and then putt putt golf and Fazoli’s.
Went to South Haven for the beach. We shopped around a little and then got to go to the local beach. Then we met up with my grandfather's brother and saw an awesome rainbow.
(Alexa with a brick she found in the ocean)
Visited family that had gone up to Michigan as well. Then we went to the lake house where we stayed for the rest of Michigan and went on the boat and settled in.
Family Reunion. Went out tubing before anyone got there. Then people started arriving. My cousin, Jordan, who I've been close with since well I was basically born, and I hung out the whole time. We also made friends with the littler ones as well (we were the oldest kids). We paddle boated, tubed, paddle boated, pinata, water balloon fight, paddle boated, swam, paddle boated, got "tattooed" and paddle boated. So basically we paddle boated a lot.
Mass. Everyone was there. My mom left and we went to the parlor for some ice cream. Then we hung out at the lake house and had pizza. Everyone was really tired from the day before so we didn't do much.
4th of July. Alexa was having issues that she took out on me and well made me frustrated. I got her tubing and three of our cousins came back to tube with us, too, it was fun. Paddle boated and slept in the RV.
Woke up really early to hear the RV rolling away from the lake house. We were on the road until 4:30pm. Watched movies and got through enough of Jane Eyre to make me sleepy. Saw the Appalaician Mts (did I spell that right?)Then we got there, went swimming and got some ice cream.
Got off to a slow start and went to Dollywood. We got in and the first ride we took was on a train and then we went on this ride with water where I got SOAKING wet. We then went on a slow ride in a car that was on a manual track. Then we got food and headed out for more rides. We walked and then we went on the ferris wheel. The people wouldn't let us off. I have a whole video. Then we went on this other water ride where I got soaking. Then we went to this small indoor rollercoaster. Saw some bald eagles and went on this insane rollercoaster. I thought it was going to be moderate. NO. It was O M G. It was fun, don't get me wrong, but oooooohhh myyyyyy gooooosssshhhh. It went straight up a couple of times and went down straight once, went upside down. I mean this was the mother of all rollercoasters. Then we went on the indoor rollercoaster again. Then we headed toward the exit and was going to go on this slide ride but it thundered and it closed down. So we went out of Dollywood and got Taco Bell. Then we went swimming in the very, very small lazy river. Now I am here, talking to you guys and watching Avatar.
So there you go, a ketchup ;)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Vacation Diary(Michigan): Day 1
I woke up at 3:30 AM, very abruptly. I know, its amazing. Alexa asked me, “How are you awake???” I had no reply because I didn’t know myself. We left at approximately 4am and found everything to be uncommonly funny. At the airport, we went through the check in and security and got breakfast tacos for breakfast. I parted with Alexa and Mom and got on the flight towards Chicago. The flight was pretty painless and got into Chicago safely. I made my way through a tunnel and got to a gate, got Starbucks and got key rings for Alexa and me. I tried calling Alice, but didn’t go through. Then I talked to Dad for the rest of the time and boarded the flight for Michigan. The flight was really short and I had to wait in the airport for 2 hours. I tried Alice twice again and no answer. So, I listened to music, read a chapter of Jane Eyre, listened to more music, walked around a bit, sat back down, listened to music and then I took pictures. By this time, I was really bored.
Like I said, I was bored.
Then Alexa and Mom arrived, we got the rental car and checked in at the hotel. Then we ate at Andy’s Pizza and had the most AMAZING breadsticks I have EVER had. Then we went to the Parlor and I had chocolate peanut butter ice cream it was really good! Then we saw where my great grandma and grandpa lived, where my mom lived and the farm she used to live on. There was an amazing tree right in front of the farm house, but we couldn’t see the house. Then we came back to the hotel. I’m getting more and more tired.
Long day.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
This hurts worse than a bikini wax
So I left off with the fire. Then two days later I got stuck in an elevator for 30 minutes. Alexa freaked out SO bad. She cried the entire time and held onto the back bar for dear life. Literally. While I was trying to comfort her she was saying, “I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die”. Anyways, everyone was fine and the power had gone out. Then the next week and a half went by surprisingly fast and not much happened. Today I got a hair cut (nothing drastic) a bikini wax, and a pedicure.
What hurt worse than the bikini wax is what I saw on Facebook afterwards. I knew what was happening and I had even seen a picture, but nothing prepared me for what I saw today. I wanted to cry. I still do. 13% of teenage girls have Bulimia and it doesn’t seem real until one of your best friends has it.
In London, I had 3 REALLY close friends; Alaima, Gemma and Alice. Alaima was known for her small pinkie and for showing up really late. Gemma was known for being silly, carefree and a wonderful singer and dancer, she was just super talented- still is. Alice was known for her fierceness, crazy muscles (she’s the one who bruised my ribs by hugging me) and for telling us that we were not eating enough.
Alaima told me one afternoon about Alice and I was scared and sad. Then found out that Gemma and Alaima had confronted her about it and Alice replied with, “This is my life, stay out of it!” or something to that effect anyways. Then I saw the first picture and I wanted to cry. I have been so worried about Alice, SO WORRIED.
Prom there was yesterday. Today they posted pictures. It was then I saw the picture. I’m serious, it is torture to be in a separate continent and not be able to do anything. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be there, watching it everyday and not be able to help.
Before -
After -
From left to right – Alice, Gemma, Alaima
Monday, June 13, 2011
So yes, we had an interesting dinner.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Fake Texting
Crap I realized that it's now midnight and not friday anymore (why did I keep on spelling Friday froday? I guess if you bought an Afro wig and wore it around today it would be froday...) but it still counts right? Ahhh who cares, it's not like someone is going to scold me or be mad with me for not updating EVERYDAY.
Anyways, I had a lazy day today like the lazy song and went to the pool.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Yesterday and today
-Went to my grandmothers house and then took pictures with dad
-Ran errands, got guitar stuff, ate lunch
-Played the guitar and played with Alexa cards and stuff
-Had Chinese for dinner and then played scrabble until 10:30pm
Today I:
-Woke up and watched TV, ate 2 things of cereal with 2 day old milk, but don't worry it didn't taste bad
-Went to Conroe with my grandma and dad and Alexa, ate lunch and then we went to the lake and had ice cream and then back to my grandmas house
-When home and relaxed
I think I might go to sleep now
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
You know you're tired when...
You don't care how you look. Screw the half eyebrow on your face.
You can't be bothered to get up to turn off the light when the switch is two feet away.
You start laughing at things that aren't really funny. "HAHAHA! Look! Look at that person's status! I don't get it! Haha."
You realize your still up writing about this instead of doing all of the stuff above and going to sleep.
Monday, June 6, 2011
I’m still here
So I broke my promise that I will post something EVERYDAY. But no worries, I’ll catch you guys up.
So after I left you with that uplifting post about the school, I went to go pick my sister up at her school which is 2 miles away. Not very far. Annnyways, I was the smart one who decided I would ride all the way there in my jeans in 100 degree weather. Granted, at that time I didn’t own any shorts that fit me. So I rode all of the way there and I took off my helmet shortly after I left the house. Which ended up saving me. Once I got to the school, I realized I was dizzy and my only thought was, “Water. Must get water.” Now, to back track a little. So I went to the same school my sister does and I went to the nurses office a LOT. So they knew me well. Back to the story. I passed my 6th grade best friend, said hi, she said hi back. It was a very long conversation. Then after her hi, I continued on, my mind still on water. I walked through the front entrance and I was just going to go to a water fountain when this lady asked me where I was going, I said water. Then she said to go to the nurses office for water. Fine by me, as long as I get my water. I get into the office, my head becoming more dizzy by the second and waited until the nurse was finished talking to the people she was talking to and I asked if I could possibly get some water. She turned to me and said, “Just where they were before,” and pointed to the sink. I turned to the sink and everything went black, I think I spit out something intelligent ( by the way I just spelled intelligent wrong… twice, but thank goodness for spellcheck) like, “Ummm,” and she told me to sit down. I sat and she handed me a cup of water. I drank and my vision cleared, but I was still pretty dizzy. They then gave me a juice box as I thought, “What are the chances? Me? In the nurse’s office, in my elementary school. I wonder what Alexa will think.”
By this point, I’m regaining my strength and the dizziness is slowly fading. The nurse took my blood pressure and it was still pretty low so she wouldn’t let me leave and started to call my parents. At this point I can’t help but smile at the circumstances. Only I could end up in my elementary school nurse’s office when I no longer go to this school. Then I couldn’t help but wonder what Mom and Dad would say when they got the call from the nurse’s office for me. Anyways, Alexa found her way back into the school and sat next to me. Then we each got a bag of chips while we waited for Dad. After he finally got there, I said thank you to the nurse and we went to my grandma’s house for the rest of the day.
The next day, we ran a bunch of errands and went to Old Navy to get me some shorts that I so badly needed. After I tried on, oh, 10 pairs of shorts, I found 3 and we left for my friend, Molly’s house. I spent the night with her, we had pizza, played guitar and sang, watched 13 going on 30 and maybe the first 20 minutes of Harry Potter 7 Part 1, because I fell asleep… Yes, I know, I am ashamed of myself.
Saturday, we had waffles and arranged that on Sunday we’d go to the beach in Galveston with my family. We got picked up at noon and went to Target, Chik-fil-a and then the Mall. Then we went home, where we watched I Am Number Four and Grown Ups. Then Alexa went to bed and we watched White Chicks, which was hilarious. Then, then, then, I just realized I use then a lot. Furthermore (ooo, big word that doesn’t really fit), we fell asleep.
On Sunday, we left at around 9am and got donuts, kolaches and Starbucks. We then picked up my dad, and drove down to Galveston. We got Subway and went to the beach. $35 for an umbrella and 2 chairs!!! That is ridiculous for what you get!!! So we moved. So we went in the water for 2 hours according to my mom and after swimming, we build a pathetic sand castle. It really was pathetic, we even tried building a sandcastle from those plastic things, all we did was break it. Just the edge. So we decided to make our own. It ended up as a round mound with the broken piece of plastic as the flag on the top. Even Alexa’s mound was better than ours. It was fun though. Afterwards, we went to the Strand for some awesome ice cream. After that, we took Molly home and went to Fuddruckers. Then a talent scout called us and I have an interview this weekend. Seemed longer away on the phone…
Anyways, I would tell you my dream that I had last night, but this post is long enough already and I have today to recap. So today, we watched I Am Number Four and House of Anubis (which really isn’t that great of a show, but it was interesting enough). We ate lunch and then went chalk drawing, then relaxed. Next, we did volleyball and then washed off the chalk with the hose, because the promised thunderstorm with pouring rain never arrived. So after that, I watched TV and then we watched The Dilemma as we ate dinner. And here I am now.
Okay I changed my mind, I’ll tell you my dream. I’ve been itching to tell it to somebody all day.
So I was in school, it was the last day again and I needed to go to my next class, English. Then this girl across my street said, “You need to come with me now!” and asked me to do something or another. So I went with her and she did absolutely nothing. Then the two minute bell rang and I was running to English in my heels and I can’t remember if I made it or not, but I remember thinking that this was the longest two minutes ever. Then I’m in my seat and the guy that I liked in my English class, Phillip, was there and our eyes met and he smiled, so I smiled. I turned away and then turned back and there he was really close to me, like on my desk and I said, “Hey.”
Then he said something really corny to the effect of, “I couldn’t help but notice that our eyes met and …” I can’t remember the rest unfortunately, but I remember it being really corny. Then he made me a power point and we were sitting in the same seat and my mom was there looking at us and she told me that I needed to take some books somewhere and it was a really large stack, but I still did it. Then I ended up in the bathroom with the books still watching the power point and I’m trying to remember what it said because I know I read something off of it. I think it was something about eyes again, ahh I can’t remember. Anyways, Mom told me that I needed to go take this trash to the 4 Seasons Hotel in Market Street. So I’m walking along this river and it was a really nice, blue day. I was carrying the trash, or the books maybe, anyways I was carrying something and I couldn’t help but wonder if the whole thing was a scam, or a trick to get people to laugh at me. Then I was in Market Street and I was passing by these restaurants and they kept wanting to buy my trash. This one man from one of the restaurants was following me wanting the trash and I finally gave the trash to the two ladies from Brio because I realized that there was no 4 Seasons Hotel in Market Street. And I woke up.
Strange. Sorry for the really long post, had a lot to say.
Oh, and Alexa is a really loud breather.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
I had a good day until school butted in
I’m not kidding, I had a really good day. I had a crossword puzzle in English, and even though I still had an exam in Interpersonal studies, it took me 20 minutes and we watched one of my favorite movies: Chronicles of Narnia. Then when I got home I skyped with my best friends, Alaima and Gemma! How great is that???
Then I get a text from my dad telling me that I have to ride to the school to pick up Alexa and ride home with her. That’s cool, might be fun.
Then I get a call. From the school. Telling me about my schedule. NOW? SERIOUSLY? IT’S THE FIRST HALF DAY OF SUMMER!! So my counselor, now tells me that the musical theatre I wanted to take I had to talk to the theatre director. Did I know that? Did they tell me this when I was actually in school? When I could actually do something about it??? No. They tell me when I get home. FOR SUMMER. What am I supposed to do now??? So, thank you school. For starting off my summer great.
Stupid school.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Summer Time
So sorry, I dropped off of the face of the Earth for a while, even though I know not many people read this. Ah well, I’ll still write anyways. Let’s see where I left off, ahhh that’s right, choir. Wow. That was a long time ago! So much to tell you! Well, for starters I took 2 AP tests and then tried out for X Factor, but I didn’t make it. BUT they told me to come back in 5 months, so I’m gonna get a voice coach. Then there was this whole family drama thing that I’m not going to get into because it’s really not worth it. And here I am. One half day to go. 4 hours of school left. There is just 4 hours of school between me and summer. And let me tell you, I cannot WAIT until I get to sleep in!
However, I can’t help but question what it’s going to be like. If you look at it, the past two summers have been so life altering, it’s kinda hard to get excited about this one (except for sleeping, of coarse). Two years ago I moved to London and it was Alexa and I for two whole months alone in summer. Then last year during summer, I had to move back to Texas and as I’m sure you all know, I wasn’t happy about it. So now that it’s almost summer again, it feels surreal. I’m just kind of wondering if anything will happen. Crrrazzzzy. Well, whatever happens I will be here, because I VOW to blog every single day of this summer, even if it is a few words or a picture. I promise to post something everyday. Hey! It’ll be my summer diary sort of thing!
See ya laters!!!
BULLET SHE HULK OUT!!! (Story for another day)
aka. Amber
The summer I moved to London
Last summer when I moved back to Texas
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
I’m so tired. No really. I am. SO tired. Today I woke up at the normal 5:25, got ready, ate breakfast, got on bus, got to school, sat in the hall, remembered I needed to read Ethan Frome by Friday and that I hadn’t started. I figured I should start then, so I did. Got in Reading Applications, read a stupid book named Tooth and Nail, then went to choir. Changed into my horrid dress and shoes and then rehearsed with the choir. We then loaded up into the buses and went to the Church for UIL. We hung out outside and my friend, Molly and I sat down on this bench which was in loving memory of Anthony F. Batts. He was 14. We decided we wouldn’t sit on the words. Then we got into our lines, followed the leader and went into a room, followed the leader some more and went out the other side of the room back to the place we were hanging out. We hung out some more. Then we got into our lines again and warmed up. Then we sang our songs and sight read. Then on our way off of the risers, my friend Molly fell, laughed, got back up and then she dropped the music. She laughed some more. Then we went to hang out again. Then we found out we got really good scores. We got back on the bus, got a headache from these inconsiderate girls who decided it would be a good idea to nasally sing at the top of their lungs songs I really don’t want to listen too. Then we went to Cici’s pizza and then back to the bus. We talked with our friend Christina and since all three of us are new we talked and stuff and it was really nice. Then we get dressed and go to fourth period. I had interpersonal studies in which we do absolutley nothing so we had a guest speaker. She was nice. Then I went to World History Review afterschool and that was good and then hung out with my friend, Susana for a while and then went outside. I watched Dad as he drove the truck all around the parking lot like a lost confused person and then we went to the mall. We then went to the Apple Store for Dad and then I got an Icee. Then we went home, I did all of my homework and more homework. Then we watched American Idol. Now I’m so tired that I’m fighting with my eyelids. And I still have to take a shower.
So long, my wide awake friends.
P.S. I used all of the “then”s on purpose.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Last Night (Aka I wrote it last night)
Grandma, "No, no."
Mom, "She means the on you did alone."
Me, "Oh, Solo and Ensemble?"
Grandma, "No, the on you didn't do with the choir."
Me, "Yeah! Solo and Ensemble!"
Mom, "She means the one yours after she left."
Me, "Oh! I didn't do that one with choir."
Grandma, "Okay let me rephrase this-"
Me, "-no, no! I got it! And it went... Ehhh."
Then I spent 2 minutes searching for a pen before I thought to look in my bag where I normally keep them. You know? I can't remember why I started this? I think I need to sleep.
Sianara! (I don't think that's how you spell it)
See ya!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
A map has fallen on my head (I guess it was trying to drop some knowledge on me), I have been knocked out by a 4th grade football player, I have hit my head countless times on the monkey bars, I have been hit in the head by a football, volleyballs and a door. But none of them have hurt as bad as today. When dad accidentally hit me in the head with a metal light stand.
Lucky me.
Friday, April 1, 2011
So I’m b-b-b-back :D
Not sure what the stutter was for but whatever. I have seriously had the WORST WEEK EVER. No joke. So to tell you WHY I haven’t been on here in AGESSS, I will… uhh… tell you.
Last week I had to study for mid terms, which two I JUST passed, well at least I passed (btw these are AP classes so college tests). Then this week, felt like 3 weeks packed into one. I hate that. Anyways, I had a new class which I thought would bring my homework WAY down. I was wrong, instead I just got hit with multiple amounts of homework from geometry and English.
Monday – probably the best day out of the whole entire week.
Tuesday – It felt like it should already be Thursday, but it wasn’t. It was depressing. I skipped breakfast which meant a total lack of energy. In geometry, I was fighting a battle with my eye lids during a benchmark (which thankfully we didn’t have to finish that day) and then lunch was alright, it gave me a boost of energy. English was long and a bit boring. Interpersonal studies was interesting. But not interesting enough for me to remember what we did. Oh wait! I remember part of it. We went down to go get our books from the book room while the color guard practiced and a person drove one of those crane things that you can stand on. I’m not really sure what you call them, but anyways when they move they beep really loudly. I was standing right next to it when it started beeping and it scared me that I jumped. Naturally, the whole class saw.
Wednesday – It felt like it should be Friday and in geometry we got to do the bench mark again! Woo hoo. Then in English we did the exact same thing we did Tuesday and in interpersonal studies, I think we, uhhh, I don’t remember but it’s a blow off class so its no biggie.
Thursday – felt like it should have been Tuesday of next week. In geometry we did the same benchmark, and learned Tan, Cos, and Sin , well we’ve been learning them before but today in particular was challenging. At lunch, my group decided to talk about Chemistry AGAIN. Ooooo. Then in English, my sub (my original teacher STILL hasn’t come back) decided to keep us in our seat for the discussion of annotations (that we had already done by the way). I’m sorry, but when you sit in one place for a long period of time and it has ALREADY been a long week, you start to zone out. I didn’t mean to I would say to myself, “You really need to listen to this",” and I would concentrate REALLY concentrate until five minutes later when I zone out. I couldn’t even feel myself zoning out, I couldn’t even tell you what I was zoning out about. Then I would snap back and do the exact same thing. In interpersonal studies, we worked on our Me Ad and watched a video where they aimed to tell teens that they ARE normal. That you shouldn’t throw lawn chairs when your angry and just lay on a hammock like you had just died. It will not get you anywhere. (This movie had to have been 20-30 years old.) So I was in an EXTREMELY horrible mood by this point because I of the EXTREMELY boring day and so I get on the bus. This one girl said, “Oh, Mr. Rowland was asking about you today.” (Mr. Rowland was my World History AP teacher) I asked, “What did he say?” She replied, “Oh, he asked where you were and we were all like she dropped out.” Nice. Nice to know that others see me as a quitter. Thanks. Then I get home, tell Dad that I am in a bad mood and he asks why and I told him and he told me it was a stupid reason. Well, that didn’t make it any better. I had so much to do, I had geometry homework that lasted an hour, English homework, and the Me Ad, clean my room, go to Jazz Rags to get some hideous shoes – well it doesn’t sound like much now. But it was overwhelming to me at the time.
Friday (aka today) – Today didn’t actually feel like Friday, it’s just felt like a never ending week so it’s a bit surreal that its finally over. But before it could be over, I get to taste the bitter end of the week. So I wake up, actually eat something, get to school, take a quiz in reading applications, take the rest of the benchmark today and then another quiz and at lunch they talked about Chemistry yet again! Then in English I had a timed essay and a test in the same period and in interpersonal studies the Me Ad presentation. I was exhausted afterwards, but I wasn’t done. I had to go to this practice Choir UIL. So I get my ugly dress on and my ugly shoes on and I’m ready to go. So I waited and waited for Alexa’s bus to come. It was ten minutes late so instead of arriving at 3:35 it arrived at 3:45 and I had to be at Oak Ridge at 3:50. I knew I would be late but not THAT late. So we get Oak Ridge High School on our navigation thing on Dad’s iPhone and start on our way. About a third of the way there, we realized it was taking us to Spring High School, for some mysterious reason. So we turned around and then Dad took a wrong exit and we had to turn around all over again. But this time with more stop lights that seemed to turn red just for us. So we finally find it and then we see Oak Ridge High School 9th grade campus, and then Oak Ridge Elementary School. Then we turn around and go the other way and finally get to the high school. Then I couldn’t find the entrance and then when I finally did get in, there was NOBODY from my school there, no students, no choir directors. By the way, I got there at 4:50. I gave up and we went back home. Then we went to Rico’s because Dad’s day wasn’t very good either and neither was Alexa’s. Dad had to fix our washer for 8 hours and Alexa had a mean teacher that called her a loser.
I am so ready to put this week behind me. And looking back at it, it doesn’t look THAT bad, but it felt like it at the time. Ahh Pandora knows exactly how to cheer me up. It started to play Total Eclipse of the Heart, ahhh memories Turn around haha if any of you haven’t seen the parody, you should. Its my favorite YouTube video
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Update :D
So I owe you an update I turned 16 and had the most amazing birthday!!
Wow I have so much to tell you! Anywayyysssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, today is the Talent Show and I’m really excited and a little nervous, but that’s good right?
So I have to admit, March is turning out to be a lot better than February – in some aspects. But I wont talk tooo much about that.
So (I’m going to start all my paragraphs with “so”) there’s this guy in my English class and lunch who is REALLY hot, I mean REAAAALLLLLYYYY good looking. He has the most amazing blue eyes, seriously. He kinda reminds me of Prince Phillip (which is actually his name without the prince part) but only sort of. But I found out that he sits alone at lunch! That really surprised me! So I’ve been thinking of going up to him and talking to him and sit with him and see if he can help me in English maybe. Because all my table I sit with at lunch talks about is Chemistry and its really annoying and boring because I don’t take that class and I have no idea what they’re saying. So I think I will talk to him sometime…
So , I am going to go now because I don’t know what to say now and I can’t remember what else I was going to tell you
haha soooo c ya!!!