Thursday, June 2, 2011

I had a good day until school butted in

I’m not kidding, I had a really good day.  I had a crossword puzzle in English, and even though I still had an exam in Interpersonal studies, it took me 20 minutes and we watched one of  my favorite movies: Chronicles of Narnia. Then when I got home I skyped with my best friends, Alaima and Gemma! How great is that???

Then I get a text from my dad telling me that I have to ride to the school to pick up Alexa and ride home with her. That’s cool, might be fun.

Then I get a call. From the school. Telling me about my schedule. NOW? SERIOUSLY? IT’S THE FIRST HALF DAY OF SUMMER!! So my counselor, now tells me that the musical theatre I wanted to take I had to talk to the theatre director. Did I know that? Did they tell me this when I was actually in school? When I could actually do something about it??? No. They tell me when I get home. FOR SUMMER. What am I supposed to do now??? So, thank you school. For starting off my summer great.

Stupid school.

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