So I broke my promise that I will post something EVERYDAY. But no worries, I’ll catch you guys up.
So after I left you with that uplifting post about the school, I went to go pick my sister up at her school which is 2 miles away. Not very far. Annnyways, I was the smart one who decided I would ride all the way there in my jeans in 100 degree weather. Granted, at that time I didn’t own any shorts that fit me. So I rode all of the way there and I took off my helmet shortly after I left the house. Which ended up saving me. Once I got to the school, I realized I was dizzy and my only thought was, “Water. Must get water.” Now, to back track a little. So I went to the same school my sister does and I went to the nurses office a LOT. So they knew me well. Back to the story. I passed my 6th grade best friend, said hi, she said hi back. It was a very long conversation. Then after her hi, I continued on, my mind still on water. I walked through the front entrance and I was just going to go to a water fountain when this lady asked me where I was going, I said water. Then she said to go to the nurses office for water. Fine by me, as long as I get my water. I get into the office, my head becoming more dizzy by the second and waited until the nurse was finished talking to the people she was talking to and I asked if I could possibly get some water. She turned to me and said, “Just where they were before,” and pointed to the sink. I turned to the sink and everything went black, I think I spit out something intelligent ( by the way I just spelled intelligent wrong… twice, but thank goodness for spellcheck) like, “Ummm,” and she told me to sit down. I sat and she handed me a cup of water. I drank and my vision cleared, but I was still pretty dizzy. They then gave me a juice box as I thought, “What are the chances? Me? In the nurse’s office, in my elementary school. I wonder what Alexa will think.”
By this point, I’m regaining my strength and the dizziness is slowly fading. The nurse took my blood pressure and it was still pretty low so she wouldn’t let me leave and started to call my parents. At this point I can’t help but smile at the circumstances. Only I could end up in my elementary school nurse’s office when I no longer go to this school. Then I couldn’t help but wonder what Mom and Dad would say when they got the call from the nurse’s office for me. Anyways, Alexa found her way back into the school and sat next to me. Then we each got a bag of chips while we waited for Dad. After he finally got there, I said thank you to the nurse and we went to my grandma’s house for the rest of the day.
The next day, we ran a bunch of errands and went to Old Navy to get me some shorts that I so badly needed. After I tried on, oh, 10 pairs of shorts, I found 3 and we left for my friend, Molly’s house. I spent the night with her, we had pizza, played guitar and sang, watched 13 going on 30 and maybe the first 20 minutes of Harry Potter 7 Part 1, because I fell asleep… Yes, I know, I am ashamed of myself.
Saturday, we had waffles and arranged that on Sunday we’d go to the beach in Galveston with my family. We got picked up at noon and went to Target, Chik-fil-a and then the Mall. Then we went home, where we watched I Am Number Four and Grown Ups. Then Alexa went to bed and we watched White Chicks, which was hilarious. Then, then, then, I just realized I use then a lot. Furthermore (ooo, big word that doesn’t really fit), we fell asleep.
On Sunday, we left at around 9am and got donuts, kolaches and Starbucks. We then picked up my dad, and drove down to Galveston. We got Subway and went to the beach. $35 for an umbrella and 2 chairs!!!
That is ridiculous for what you get!!! So we moved. So we went in the water for 2 hours according to my mom and after swimming, we build a pathetic sand castle. It really was pathetic, we even tried building a sandcastle from those plastic things, all we did was break it. Just the edge. So we decided to make our own. It ended up as a round mound with the broken piece of plastic as the flag on the top. Even Alexa’s mound was better than ours. It was fun though. Afterwards, we went to the Strand for some awesome ice cream. After that, we took Molly home and went to Fuddruckers. Then a talent scout called us and I have an interview this weekend. Seemed longer away on the phone…
Anyways, I would tell you my dream that I had last night, but this post is long enough already and I have today to recap. So today, we watched I Am Number Four and House of Anubis (which really isn’t that great of a show, but it was interesting enough). We ate lunch and then went chalk drawing, then relaxed. Next, we did volleyball and then washed off the chalk with the hose, because the promised thunderstorm with pouring rain never arrived. So after that, I watched TV and then we watched The Dilemma as we ate dinner. And here I am now.
Okay I changed my mind, I’ll tell you my dream. I’ve been itching to tell it to somebody all day.
So I was in school, it was the last day again and I needed to go to my next class, English. Then this girl across my street said, “You need to come with me now!” and asked me to do something or another. So I went with her and she did absolutely nothing. Then the two minute bell rang and I was running to English in my heels and I can’t remember if I made it or not, but I remember thinking that this was the longest two minutes ever. Then I’m in my seat and the guy that I liked in my English class, Phillip, was there and our eyes met and he smiled, so I smiled. I turned away and then turned back and there he was really close to me, like on my desk and I said, “Hey.”
Then he said something really corny to the effect of, “I couldn’t help but notice that our eyes met and …” I can’t remember the rest unfortunately, but I remember it being really corny. Then he made me a power point and we were sitting in the same seat and my mom was there looking at us and she told me that I needed to take some books somewhere and it was a really large stack, but I still did it. Then I ended up in the bathroom with the books still watching the power point and I’m trying to remember what it said because I know I read something off of it. I think it was something about eyes again, ahh I can’t remember.
Anyways, Mom told me that I needed to go take this trash to the 4 Seasons Hotel in Market Street. So I’m walking along this river and it was a really nice, blue day. I was carrying the trash, or the books maybe, anyways I was carrying something and I couldn’t help but wonder if the whole thing was a scam, or a trick to get people to laugh at me. Then I was in Market Street and I was passing by these restaurants and they kept wanting to buy my trash. This one man from one of the restaurants was following me wanting the trash and I finally gave the trash to the two ladies from Brio because I realized that there was no 4 Seasons Hotel in Market Street. And I woke up.
Strange. Sorry for the really long post, had a lot to say.
Oh, and Alexa is a really loud breather.