So this is it – Last post about the book and I’m a bit disappointed. So let me fill you in:
The main character is named Cat so I don’t have to write main character every single time.
So Cat ate toast and found that it was really good toast. I then thought about English toast (which is SOOOOOOO much better in England btw, I used to have it for a snack after school because it was so good. I know, not good for you, whatever) for 5 minutes.
Then they mentioned Texas.
That’s about it that goes along with my life. What doesn’t I will tell you. And by the way, I’m very sorry for you people who actually wanted to read this book, I will be telling you the end, but it is still a brilliant book.
So even though Thomas disappears, turns out that he wasn’t “the one” and one of her good guy friends was.
Cat and Will (the handsome british aristocrat that showed her around London) kissed and became bf and gf.
She went back to America. Butttttt she got to visit in Christmas break. Not fair.
So you see why I’m a bit disappointed. No signs of what to do after I go back to America, other than going back in winter, because that obviously didn’t happen for me. No signs of how to survive living back here.
You wanna know why I liked it in London, you wanna know why I wanted to stay so badly? I’ll tell you.
2008- I broke a mirror, my grandfather died I desperatly wished that I could get away to a place that is good and I didn’t have to worry about all of this stuff, Hurricane Ike, finding out I was moving to London.
2009- Prepared myself for London, got to London, spent 2 very lonely months crying but I knew I KNEW that I was going to be okay I just needed to start school, My dad came, I started school, made friends and flew back to Texas.
2010- Flew back to London, had an amazing time in school, made the best friends anyone could have and then I get all of it taken away and I move back to Texas.
2011- It’s a new year, new story I guess.
You see, London was my get away, it was my place where I didn’t really have to worry about stuff, I felt like I was okay there. I also found out how many TRUE friends I have here. You know I might have only heard 3 '”I miss you”s out of all of that from my friends? and that was only from 3 people. I felt like I was better over there and everyone over here was better without me.
I know this is like a rant and I’m sorry, I had to get it off my chest. I just had to.