Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holiday Grocery Shopping

So Alexa and I went with our dad to HEB for some last minute items that we needed.  So earlier, my dad and Alexa had come up with this saying as they were tagging each other, “TTYI!” I had NO idea of what they meant and when I asked about it, they ignored me, so I dropped it.  Anyways, we get into HEB and Alexa slaps me and says, “TTYI!” and I slap her back (gut reaction) (sorta). 

So I said, “What does that mean?” No answer.  “What does that mean??”

Finally, Alexa said, “Two Tags Your It.” I still don’t get it.

Anyways, to keep Alexa from slapping me further, I captured her hands and she walked behind me.  Big. Mistake.  Instead of attacking me with her hands, she attacked me with her feet.  This is how it went -

“Bread!” Trip. “Aleexaa” Trip. “What are we looking for?” Trip. “People are watching!” Trip. “Stop!” Trip. Trip. Trip. Trip. Trip. Trip. Trip. Trip. Trip. Trip. Trip. Is it just me or does trip look REALLY weird now? Trip. Trip. Trip. Trip. Trip. Trip. Trip. It NEVER ENDED.  I’m sure we got many looks, both dirty and amused.  I’m also sure that people thought we were the WEIRDEST two kids who ever walked into HEB.  I’m sure the person watching the tapes got a good laugh.  With my luck, it’ll end up on the internet and get many  many hits and I’ll be a laughing stock for the rest of my life. (Did I even use that right? Oh well) I felt bad for the shoppers, too.  I think they were completely annoyed with the girl tripping the other girl and getting in their way.  Finally, she stopped and began slapping me again.  I gave up. Thankfully, we got out of there without a tripping war and headed back home. 

We even kept ourselves entertained by coming up with rhymes.

Dad, Alexa and I finally came up with – I hope the Pope could cope with the dope soap on a rope so he wouldn’t mope. :)

We started on this one – The cat in the hat sat on a mat that covered a rat who talked to the bat and the gnat and carried a bat – we got home.


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