Not sure what the stutter was for but whatever. I have seriously had the WORST WEEK EVER. No joke. So to tell you WHY I haven’t been on here in AGESSS, I will… uhh… tell you.
Last week I had to study for mid terms, which two I JUST passed, well at least I passed (btw these are AP classes so college tests). Then this week, felt like 3 weeks packed into one. I hate that. Anyways, I had a new class which I thought would bring my homework WAY down. I was wrong, instead I just got hit with multiple amounts of homework from geometry and English.
Monday – probably the best day out of the whole entire week.
Tuesday – It felt like it should already be Thursday, but it wasn’t. It was depressing. I skipped breakfast which meant a total lack of energy. In geometry, I was fighting a battle with my eye lids during a benchmark (which thankfully we didn’t have to finish that day) and then lunch was alright, it gave me a boost of energy. English was long and a bit boring. Interpersonal studies was interesting. But not interesting enough for me to remember what we did. Oh wait! I remember part of it. We went down to go get our books from the book room while the color guard practiced and a person drove one of those crane things that you can stand on. I’m not really sure what you call them, but anyways when they move they beep really loudly. I was standing right next to it when it started beeping and it scared me that I jumped. Naturally, the whole class saw.
Wednesday – It felt like it should be Friday and in geometry we got to do the bench mark again! Woo hoo. Then in English we did the exact same thing we did Tuesday and in interpersonal studies, I think we, uhhh, I don’t remember but it’s a blow off class so its no biggie.
Thursday – felt like it should have been Tuesday of next week. In geometry we did the same benchmark, and learned Tan, Cos, and Sin , well we’ve been learning them before but today in particular was challenging. At lunch, my group decided to talk about Chemistry AGAIN. Ooooo. Then in English, my sub (my original teacher STILL hasn’t come back) decided to keep us in our seat for the discussion of annotations (that we had already done by the way). I’m sorry, but when you sit in one place for a long period of time and it has ALREADY been a long week, you start to zone out. I didn’t mean to I would say to myself, “You really need to listen to this",” and I would concentrate REALLY concentrate until five minutes later when I zone out. I couldn’t even feel myself zoning out, I couldn’t even tell you what I was zoning out about. Then I would snap back and do the exact same thing. In interpersonal studies, we worked on our Me Ad and watched a video where they aimed to tell teens that they ARE normal. That you shouldn’t throw lawn chairs when your angry and just lay on a hammock like you had just died. It will not get you anywhere. (This movie had to have been 20-30 years old.) So I was in an EXTREMELY horrible mood by this point because I of the EXTREMELY boring day and so I get on the bus. This one girl said, “Oh, Mr. Rowland was asking about you today.” (Mr. Rowland was my World History AP teacher) I asked, “What did he say?” She replied, “Oh, he asked where you were and we were all like she dropped out.” Nice. Nice to know that others see me as a quitter. Thanks. Then I get home, tell Dad that I am in a bad mood and he asks why and I told him and he told me it was a stupid reason. Well, that didn’t make it any better. I had so much to do, I had geometry homework that lasted an hour, English homework, and the Me Ad, clean my room, go to Jazz Rags to get some hideous shoes – well it doesn’t sound like much now. But it was overwhelming to me at the time.
Friday (aka today) – Today didn’t actually feel like Friday, it’s just felt like a never ending week so it’s a bit surreal that its finally over. But before it could be over, I get to taste the bitter end of the week. So I wake up, actually eat something, get to school, take a quiz in reading applications, take the rest of the benchmark today and then another quiz and at lunch they talked about Chemistry yet again! Then in English I had a timed essay and a test in the same period and in interpersonal studies the Me Ad presentation. I was exhausted afterwards, but I wasn’t done. I had to go to this practice Choir UIL. So I get my ugly dress on and my ugly shoes on and I’m ready to go. So I waited and waited for Alexa’s bus to come. It was ten minutes late so instead of arriving at 3:35 it arrived at 3:45 and I had to be at Oak Ridge at 3:50. I knew I would be late but not THAT late. So we get Oak Ridge High School on our navigation thing on Dad’s iPhone and start on our way. About a third of the way there, we realized it was taking us to Spring High School, for some mysterious reason. So we turned around and then Dad took a wrong exit and we had to turn around all over again. But this time with more stop lights that seemed to turn red just for us. So we finally find it and then we see Oak Ridge High School 9th grade campus, and then Oak Ridge Elementary School. Then we turn around and go the other way and finally get to the high school. Then I couldn’t find the entrance and then when I finally did get in, there was NOBODY from my school there, no students, no choir directors. By the way, I got there at 4:50. I gave up and we went back home. Then we went to Rico’s because Dad’s day wasn’t very good either and neither was Alexa’s. Dad had to fix our washer for 8 hours and Alexa had a mean teacher that called her a loser.
I am so ready to put this week behind me. And looking back at it, it doesn’t look THAT bad, but it felt like it at the time. Ahh Pandora knows exactly how to cheer me up. It started to play Total Eclipse of the Heart, ahhh memories
Turn around haha if any of you haven’t seen the parody, you should. Its my favorite YouTube video