Friday, September 30, 2011

So freaking busy.

There are not enough hours in the day. I seriously need two me’s to do everything I need to do this weekend. Not only am I packing, moving, unpacking and moving, I have rehearsals tomorrow from 9 to 5, which obviously I can’t make all of. I have homework, studying and cleaning and it really doesn’t sound that bad when I put it in words on a computer. But it feels really bad, and I know some of you might be saying, “Well, I have way more stuff to do than she does. Why is she complaining? Why does she feel so stressed out about this stuff? She doesn’t know the meaning of stress!”

Trust me, I do. It’s just everything is happening at all one time and when things overlap, that are equally important, it starts to make you stressed, but you know there is no way, you can make both, Then you start to feel guilty about the one you’re missing, but you know if you’d gone there, you’d feel the exact same way about what you’re doing then. It’s just a bad cycle. So that’s why I’m trying to do a bit of both.  It should be fun.

Anyway, I really should be sleeping, but I’m not. But I will be, soon in fact. But I want to finish this first. Okay, I KNOW I had more to say. Well, if I think about it, I’ll write it down and get back to you.

Now I’m finished.

Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, Amber. It is ok to be stressed and you do have alot on your plate right now. Just know it will get better. Love you!
